Posts tagged holiday

Gingersnaps with a Side of Life Lessons: When to Stop Being a "Yes" (Wo)man

We broke up --my relationship with blogging that is. Ironic, because if there’s one thing I hate, I hate giving up. And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing these past 6 months. Calling myself out on this: my last post was in July.

Coffee mug in hand, sweatpants on, does it get better than this? Well, some days that’s what it feels like. I needed time away from social media…if you’re a blogger then you know exactly what I’m talking about. The timing of every tweet seems crucial, the pressure to write every week. And then there’s that type of pressure you create yourself, because you are your own biggest critic; time dedicated to make sure every word is perfect, every sentence flowing, ensuring each story is more memorable than the last.

This is every blogger’s problem.

Social media is one thing, but the other issue? I’m a yes-woman. I say “yes” to almost every career opportunity that comes knocking on my door, ceiling, windows and all. Why? Because if experience helps to build character, then I believe saying “yes” to these doors will make me a better person, thus a better dietitian. And who wouldn’t want to be a better version of their self?

February marks my 1 year since I officially graduated my dietetic internship from NewYork-Presbyterian. Since then I've:

  • taken on a part time job of teaching private cooking classes
  • taken on a part time temp job as an HIV RD working with low income populations
  • served as a board member on the International Association for Eating Disorders New York Chapter
  • developed recipes in The Women's Health Body Clock Diet book which was just published in December 2015!
  • been quoted in Bride's Magazine ..twice!
  • started as a prenatal dietitian at Pre-Conceive
  • started as an RD at Mount Sinai
  • became recognized as a Culinary Content Network member of The Daily Meal

And with everything going on since taking on a full time job as a dietitian 6 months ago, I was burned out. I’ve been working 2-4 jobs since college, so can you blame a gal? Don't get me wrong. I am forever grateful for all of the opportunities and would not change a thing. But in the moment, I had no idea how to handle the stress. Holding just one job this time around and minimizing social media usage seemed like the solution. Except, the strangest is part is that when I began working at the hospital --a place I promised myself I would never go back to-- I shut the door on blogging... something I love.

In retrospect, I played the good ol’ “not having enough time in the day” card. It’s a legit excuse, one we’re all guilty of. I felt guilt over taking the job at the hospital, because I had turned on my basic philosophy: do what u love. My last experience in working at a hospital was not the best one, that’s the truth. So I did not intend to stay at this new job longer than the temporary position that I was hired for. Unexpectedly, this experience was so much more positive, as do many things, my plan changed. I met other dietitians who share a common goal, I get to continue to learn from my colleagues, and working with the sickest patients means that I am better prepared to counsel any client that comes my way when I finally have my own private practice! I’ve come to peace with what I can and can’t do in a hospital setting. But the biggest difference is my attitude and in realizing that no matter where I go, as a dietitian my ultimate goal is always this: to instill positive change in others. And that, I can certainly still do in a hospital! Now I just needed to re-open some doors and start making time to do what I love.

Takeaway Points:

1.     Do what u love – And if that’s currently not what you’re doing, then keep that picture on the road map ahead. Be pro-active and make time out of the day to do what actually makes you happy. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do to get where we want to be! 

2.     Don’t be a yes-(wo)man – You can do it all, that’s if you want to. But don’t say yes to every opportunity and spread yourself thin. If you keep at it, you will eventually burn out. Plus when you give anything less than your all, no one likes excuses --you will look like a slacker and smell like one too. Trust me, it’s much better to be picky about your experiences and give it your 110% than to half ass anything! Certainly don’t close the door on something that fuels your passion, but know that it’s OK to say no to something if it doesn’t truly serve you. 

3.     You talk the talk, but it’s time to walk the walk -- Because I hadn’t blogged for so long, I wasn’t sure how I’d start writing again. I think this way of thinking resonates with people in that when they eat a few not-so-healthy meals and then think they can never go back to eating healthy, or they skip a few days of working out and suddenly one week of not working out turns into one month. Accept the time lapse and keep moving! Remember, every day that goes by is another day you can never take back.

On a lighter note, no one’s perfect... but these chewy on the inside-crunchy on the outside-cookies are. If you're considering baking these (which you definitely should), this is an instance where I'd say: know when to be a "yes" (wo)man!

Brought to you by yours truly, dressed in sweatpants with a coffee mug in hand.


Chewy Gingersnaps

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ground ginger
2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup crystalized ginger, finely chopped
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup unsalted vegan butter, softened
1 egg
1/3 cup molasses

Cinnamon sugar mix:
1/4 cup white sugar
2 teaspoon cinnamon


1.     In a large bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients; flour, baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and crystalized ginger. Set aside.

2.     In a medium bowl, mix together the brown sugar and butter. Stir in the egg and molasses. Pour the mixture over the dry ingredients and mix/fold until well combined. Now place this bowl of dough into the fridge and chill for ~15 minutes.

3.     Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.

4.     In a small bowl, mix together white sugar and cinnamon. Set this aside for coating the dough balls.

5.     When ready to bake, remove dough from the refrigerator. Using a tablespoon, measure out scoops of dough and use your hands to form them into 1-inch balls. Roll each ball gently in the cinnamon sugar mix until lightly coated. Place on baking sheet.

6.     Bake for 8-11 minutes, until the center has risen and the edges are crispy. Remove pan from the oven and allow it to cool for ~3 minutes before transferring cookies to a cooling rack.

Now sit back and enjoy with your favorite milk or mug of tea.