Have you ever met someone and vibed with them so much that you felt like you had known them longer than the past 5 minutes? Well in this case, I’m talking about Stephanie Wong and Graham Jeong – co founders of Wake the Wolves.
If you haven’t heard about them before (First, where have you been?!) and second, I’m so excited to introduce you to them!
Before we dive in, I just have to say how much I love Instagram. Not only as a platform to share social content but because it allows us to connect with like-minded people, and it’s how we met. Flashback two months ago, I received a “like” from Wake the Wolves; one comment lead to another and the next thing you know, we’re face timing – Steph & Graham in SF and me in NYC.
Turns out, they’re just like you and I. They each have their own stories of struggle. You know, the pressure of juggling a career, keeping up with the demanding/mundane 9-5, the challenge of wanting to eat healthier and be active without losing a social life, the struggle of that inner wolf wanting to do more, do good, be a better version of themselves and give back to the community all at the same time.
The result of embarking on their own wellness journey led them to create Wake the Wolves. They're partners in business but also in life, are both fitness enthusiasts, foodies, recipe developers, designers and authors who are above all, crazy passionate about health and wellness. Their mission?
“To be recklessly fun and bold in bringing healthy-conscious living straight into the fingertips of a diverse people.”
Everything about them is in line with the DOWHATIULOVE lifestyle (aka there is no magic Rx, no quick fixes here), just 2 down to earth people who are on a kick ass journey to inspiring others to lead a healthy lifestyle. I love what this company represents and I'm sharing because I know you will too.
Wake the Wolves is about:
EMBRACING DIVERSITY – All colors, all shapes, all sizes. Let’s be real, not many wellness companies do this and this is one I truly admire about WTW.
HERITAGE/TRADITIONS – Love who you are and where you came from. As a Chinese-American growing up, it wasn’t easy to embrace eating rice and no one’s blogging about bok-choy being the rage (did I just say rage?!). During our facetime sesh, Steph mentioned the example of Goji berries.. it’s become a trendy super food, but did you know that it's actually an ancient food that originated from China? Oh yes it is. It’s about taking pride in who you are, which includes knowing where your food comes from, as well as preserving your traditions and carrying it on to the next.
EATING WHOLE FOODS – Check out their food philosophy below:
"Eat real, whole, unprocessed foods.
Beef-up on leafy greens.
Reduce refined sugars.
Cook your food.
Then share it."
GETTING BEHIND THE KITCHEN – There’s a bunch of killer recipes on their site. Warning: it’s visually tantalizing and you might just be motivated to start cooking! If you stop reading here, I'll know where you'll be.
COMMUNITY – This one’s a biggie. From fashion and blogging to books, S+G have a ton of tools to get you started (or keep you) on this fun wellness journey, including the cutest tops! Check out the shop here.
I’m obsessed with mine! It’s super soft but mostly because well, it says HELLA on it & it’s just so fun to say (that's my inner-Cali girl coming out)
I just want to stress that this lifestyle isn’t just about fitness or eating healthy foods, it's also about mental wellbeing. Life should be fun + food should be fun. In line with the WTW mentality, there is no fad diet, no magic pill, no short cuts. It's just you and this one life. Time is too precious to be spent worrying about the numbers on the scale, to wake up feeling crappy, to feel anything less than your best. And this team here?
They're rooting for you "to wake your inner wolf" by as they say, "eating and living like you matter."
Do it for your partner, do it for your family, do it to live longer, but most of all do it for YOU.
Just know that true change lies within & in waking your inner wolf.