Intuitive Eating During the Holidays
Intuitive Eating through the holidays.png

The holidays have officially arrived! And while holidays are about being thankful and spending time with our loved ones, it also revolves around FOOD. Lots and lots of food. This can be challenging for a lot of people. The pressure of being surrounded by food and diet talk at the family table or company party can bring on a lot of stress and anxiety. If you feel this way — please know you are not alone! As much as we may love our families and friends, it can be exhausting to navigate through everyone’s differing opinions on the latest diet trends. Hold in mind that it is not the food itself which is the issue, but rather our attitudes towards the food. Through the practice of Intuitive Eating, you can navigate your way throughout the holiday season, without all of the food-guilt that typically coincides. 

Intuitive Eating is a mind-body health approach to food and eating; without any diets, meal plans, or strict rules. It’s about listening to and respecting your body’s cues in order to make food choices without guilt. There are 10 principles to Intuitive Eating. No matter where you are on your journey, it is possible to practice some of these principles. For more guidance and support, seek the help of an Intuitive Eating Counselor. In the meantime, if you’re curious about how to navigate diet culture this holiday season, read on to discover how each principle can begin a path towards making peace with food and your body. 

1. Reject the Diet Mentality - Remove all thought of diets and trends before walking into that holiday dinner or party. It’s diets that cause big food-holidays, like Thanksgiving, to become a day full of anxiety. So instead, get excited to eat all your favorite foods that you’ve been looking forward to all year. Remember, the holidays are a great time to be thankful for your loved ones, so enjoy your time catching up with them on their lives. Not all conversation needs to be about food or diet. And if one does come up, kindly suggest that this is not something you are comfortable discussing and that you would much rather be interested in talking about their latest interests in tv, movies, music, books, etc. 

2. Honor Your Hunger - It’s important to keep your body adequately fed not only to prevent over-eating due to extreme hunger, but also for basic nourishment! Take a moment to listen to your body. How hungry are you? If there is something you are specifically in the mood for, give yourself permission to eat it (you will always have ours!)

3. Make Peace with Food -  Give yourself permission to eat all of the foods that you enjoy. Try not to label foods as “forbidden” or “off limits. Depriving yourself of foods you actually enjoy will only leave you with these intense cravings and eventually results in overeating. Welcome all foods with open arms and trust your body to tell you what not only what it wants, but also the amounts.

4. Challenge the Food Police - The food police are the negative thoughts you have developed in your mind regarding “good” and “bad” foods. These thoughts may have become deeply embedded in your mind, and just as you learned them, you can also practice unlearning them! Challenge any diet thoughts (AKA the self-critical voice) by neutralizing the thought.
For example, instead of, “This food is so bad,” reframe with “It’s OK to eat this food.” Make an effort to eat some of the foods you were once afraid of and experience the shift towards establishing peace with all foods. 

5. Respect Your Fullness - Go ahead and enjoy all the foods you were excited for while also listening to your body’s signals of fullness. Try to eat mindfully and pay attention to when you feel satiated. Before someone urges you to take that second or third plate of food, figure out if you still feel hungry first. Practicing this mindful eating prevents overeating that may occur during big holidays. 

6. Discover the Satisfaction Factor - You make keep eating until the feeling of fullness however you may not feel satisfied. This results in searching for hat one food that will bring satisfaction, and then we essentially end up overeating while trying to find it. That is why it’s important to determine what you really want to eat so you can feel both satiated and satisfied with your food choices. 

7. Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food - As much as the holidays are for coming together, we understand that the pressure to come together can often bring up unresolved issues from the past, leading to a wide range of different emotions. It’s important to find healthy ways to cope with your feelings, so it doesn’t lead to emotional eating. (Please know emotional eating is OK but when it becomes the only tool in the toolbox, that is something worth exploring with a non-diet and Intuitive Eating Counselor). Food may help with your feelings in the short term but finding strategies to cope is essential in dealing with your emotions. Try to take a walk, talk it out with someone, or come back to the issue with a clearer mind. Do whatever it is that you need to cope, in order to prevent the discomfort that can often arise with overeating. 

8. Respect Your Body - We can be extremely quick to judge and criticize our own bodies and in order to truly reject the diet mentality and challenge the food police, we need to accept and respect our bodies. Respecting your body is an important step in controlling your thoughts and choices. 

9. Exercise—Feel the Difference - Exercise doesn’t have to be this intense hour-long boot-camp or spin class. It’s about being active in a way you enjoy. It’s important to focus on how you feel when moving your body rather than focusing on the goal of losing weight. In order to prevent overworking yourself after a big holiday dinner out of guilt, find some form of movement you and all your loved ones would enjoy. Whether it’s picking up a game of basketball or going on a family walk, finding something you all enjoy would allow for a healthier and happier holiday. 

10. Honor Your Health - One day won’t change everything. Staying consistent over time is what makes the difference. Choosing foods that both honor your health and satisfy your tastebuds is the essential goal of intuitive eating 

Laura IuComment
5 Simple Snacks For Your Next Flight 

By Nikki Kang

Snacking is essential for staying alert and energized throughout the day and in-between meals. Traveling is no exception! With all the planning, packing and last minute errands, we don’t blame you for not prioritizing snacks. In fact we have you covered. Here’s what we like to pack in order to keep our energy levels intact, as we’re constantly on the move and traveling. 

One key to making sure your snacking is done right while traveling is planning ahead. Planning and prepping your snacks ahead can save time, money, and energy! Simple things like packing your snacks the night before an early flight allows for a number of benefits, such as: 

  • Less stress -  The thought of getting through airport security and making your flight on time calls for major stress, but having your snacks prepped and ready to go can not only reduce stress but can avoid a hangry outburst during those stressful moments. 

  • More variety - By choosing your own favorite snacks ahead of time you can avoid having to pick the not so appetizing options that you usually find on planes. 

  • Less $$$ - Purchasing items to snack on for you and/or the whole family saves money which might have been spent on overpriced snacks that may not have even been your first choice. 

These are some of my personal favorite on-the-go snacks which all provide great sources of energy, to help you feel full until you arrive at your final destination (meal): 

  1. Mixed Nuts/Seeds & Chocolate - Creating your own trail mix with your favorite nuts, seeds, and chocolate make for a perfect sweet and savory combo that provides a source of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, leaving you full and energized (not to mention a delicious sweet fix!)

  2. Popcorn - If you find yourself wanting something a bit more savory, popcorn is a whole grain, making it a great source of fiber. Feeling hungrier? Pair this with a protein like cheese, and the combo can help you feel more satiated until your next meal. Whether you pre-pop and make your own bag of popcorn or see a bag at the Hudson News right before boarding your flight, popcorn is a great way to keep you fueled. 

  3. Fruits- Dried or Whole - Whether you choose whole or dried, fruits of any kind can be refreshing and can help stabilize energy. The options are endless when choosing which fruits you may want to snack on and there is no harm in mixing them up! Although, when traveling, it may be easier to choose fruits that are firm, such as apples, pears, bananas, or tangerines so you can just throw them right in your bag, also minimizing prep time. 

  4. Hard Boiled Eggs - This snack provides the perfect source of protein and fat and in the carry-on snack size! Hard boiled eggs can be prepped the night before and left in the fridge so you have your snack ready to go whenever you are. 

  5. Veggies or Pita Chips & Hummus - This combo makes for the perfect way to get your daily intake of your preferred vehicle for dipping into a smooth and creamy source of protein. When it comes to bringing hummus onto a flight, as long as its below 3.4 ounces, you should be good to go. Luckily, most stores offer individual hummus packets that are only 2-oz anyway, so you should be in the clear with TSA!

Laura IuComment
5 Reasons Why BMI is BS

By Nikki Kang

For as long as most of us can remember, a doctor’s visit almost always included a discussion on the magical number which supposedly defines your overall health status. Known as the BMI, or body mass index (or what we prefer: the BS Measuring Index!) the BMI is used to measure body fat (although quite inaccurate and we uncover why). Once the BMI is obtained, it then categories someone as  “underweight,” “normal weight,” “overweight,” or “obese”. Typically, these ranges are then further used to evaluate one’s disease risk. While the BMI has limited use in research, it has absolutely NO place in assigning or predicting health for the individual. So how did this number become a measurement as commonly used as a stethoscope or blood pressure cuff in healthcare? 

Brief history: The first version of the BMI was created in the 19th century and was actually called the Quetelet index. It was created by Lamber Adolph Jacque Quetelet, a Belgian astronomer. Quetelet created this index to develop “social averages” so he could then gather the characteristics of the “average man”. Thus the Quetelet index was not created for use as a health indicator but rather for gathering population data. It was later in 1972, when the Quetelet index was reinvented to become the body mass index, by Ancel Keys. Keys reused Quetelet’s index to argue the validity of MetLife Insurance’s data tables on desirable weight, based on height. His use of the BMI was solely in population based studies, and not for diagnostic purposes. During this time, Keys had also pointed out that BMI does not accurately reflect percentage of body fat. At some point, this advice was ignored, and has now continued to be used as a measurement of body fat. 

Fast forward to the 21st century where preoccupation with weight has surged due to the emphasis placed on one’s BMI, leading people to believe that they are “overweight” or “obese”. But the fact is there are so many misconceptions about the BMI and in reality, the numbers are super arbitrary. The obsession with BMI has led to an increase and fascination in weight loss programs, diets, drinks, and books; The only people that seem to be benefiting from these weight loss products is the industry which is supplying them. Those investing in these products find themselves facing a number of other consequences that come along with dieting, such as fixation with food and their body, weight cycling, eating disorders, decreased self-esteem, and many other issues which can disrupt mental health and wellbeing. 

As the consequences of dieting seem to be increasing, one may question whether or not there is more harm being done than good. This question has been asked, and has led researchers to also challenge the validity of the BMI.  What was found was that the BMI is not as accurate of a health indicator as we have all been made to believe, and here are 5 reasons why its total BS: 

1. BMI does not differentiate between lean body mass, body fat, muscle, tissue or fluid.

The BMI is used to determine body fat mass. However, when calculated, lean body mass vs body fat mass cannot be differentiated. In order to really differentiate between the two, you would need a fancy X-ray called a DEXA scan, which is costly and honestly unnecessary. Therefore, an individual can have a higher BMI, but it may be due to lean body mass rather than body fat mass (which is typically what is associated with disease risk). 

2. A BMI doesn’t tell you how “healthy” you are. It doesn't take into consideration body composition or health behaviors. 

Those with a “normal” BMI may have underlying health issues and might not be aware because they are considered to have a “healthy” BMI (weight biases like this are harmful and affect people of all sizes). There are so many other factors which contribute to an individual’s overall health status and are typically ignored in the presence of a low or high BMI. If someone with a “normal” BMI finds themselves with high blood pressure or high blood sugar, they can technically be considered as “unhealthy”, because these factors put them at higher risk for chronic diseases, not their BMI. This is true for both ends of the spectrum, where someone with a higher BMI may be perfectly healthy according to their labs. This is why it’s essential for practitioners to assess an individual’s bloodwork, whether or not they are engaging in joyful movement, and if they are well nourished.  Some may argue that BMI is a quick way to (supposedly) assess modifiable behaviors but you know what’s also a quick and more accurate way to assess modifiable behaviors? Asking if someone is eating a variety of fruits/vegetables, if they drink alcohol or smoke, or engaging in physical activity. Can you imagine what a visit to the doctor’s office would be like if medical providers encouraged these changes rather than focusing on weight? 

3. BMI alone is not an accurate indicator for morbidity/mortality rate. 

In most studies, BMI is used to assess morbidity/mortality risk. However other factors are almost always ignored. These other factors which can play a role in morbidity/mortality rate include family history of disease, smoking, alcohol consumption/abuse, exercise, mental disorders, and history of dieting. When it comes to identifying the “obesity” weight ranges, studies also fail to identify at what point in the life cycle has the weight gained and the rate at which the weight is accumulating. Moreover, fat is not a disease. Bodies exist in all shapes and sizes. By assigning a disease (e.g. obesity) to a body size, even when the individual is eating well, has great bloodwork and engaging in joyful movement - this is dehumanizing and promotes weight stigma.  

4. Increased BMI in children is expected due to puberty.

While the BMI measurements for children take their age into account, it is still not an accurate indicator of health. This is because during and after puberty, both males and females acquire changes to their bodies, which allow for an increase in BMI. When girls go through puberty they must gain a minimum of at least 10% body fat in order to get their first period, whereas when boys go through puberty, they tend to gain weight slowly over the years. The BMI misses these nuances. These are normal changes expected to occur during adolescence, and are not reflective of poor health. 

5. A low BMI does not increase longevity. 

Another common misconception is that a lower BMI equates to living a longer life. However, many studies have shown that those who are “overweight” or “obese” actually have greater longevity than those who are of normal weight. One study has even concluded that obesity is not a notable risk factor for mortality, especially when socioeconomic status and other risk factors are controlled for. 


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