Crispy Baked Parsnip Fries with Sriracha Mayo
parsnip fries

Happy fri-day! (get it?!) 

Today I want to share my fry obsession with you. I love anything crispy and crunchy, and these baked parsnip fries satisfy just that!

Why parsnips you ask?
Every vegetable contains different vitamins and nutrients. If you only eat the same vegetables every day, then you limit yourself from getting other essential vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to keep you healthy. Since it’s so important to switch up the vegetables you eat, I thought I’d share with you this new take on fries.

Why parsnips are good for you
Parsnips are one of the most underrated veggies. They are high in fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium and folate. In other words, eating parsnips can help regulate the digestive system, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and improve your immune system.

Unlike your conventional, pre-packaged/fast food chain fry, we're going to start with a whole potato, and cook these in simply canola oil, a heart healthy fat. Aside from a few seasonings, that's it! It is easy to make, healthy and addictively delicious. Seriously beware, these go fast, real fast. So if you plan on sharing, I suggest you double the recipe. And if you're all about the crispy fries kinda gal like myself, this will hit the spot. 

parsnip fries


2 medium parsnips  
2 tsp olive oil 
1/4 tsp salt 
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper 

1 tbsp low-fat mayonnaise 
1 tbsp plain Greek yogurt (I used Fage 2%) 

1 tsp Sriracha
1 tbsp fresh cilantro, minced 

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and line 1 large baking sheet pan with parchment paper.

2. Wash the parsnips and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut the parsnips into matchsticks, about 1/2 in x 1/2 in.

3. Place the parsnips on the sheet pan. Drizzle with olive oil and add the salt and pepper, to taste. Gently toss the parsnips until they are evenly coated. Arrange them in a single layer. Bake for 40 minutes, flipping once halfway to ensure even cooking. If you’d like them crispier, keep them in the oven for a few minutes, but be sure to check on them so they don’t burn!

4. Meanwhile, prepare the Sriracha dipping sauce. In a small bowl, mix together low-fat mayonnaise, Greek yogurt and cilantro. Note: You can adjust the spiciness by adding more or less Sriracha.

5. When fries are ready, remove them from the oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Serve immediately with Sriracha mayo. Bon appétit!

Giving Back

In honor of it being HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, I thought I’d dedicate this post to spreading awareness, to end not only the silence and shame surrounding HIV/AIDS, but to say that there is absolutely no shame in asking for help when its needed.  

It took me until now to be able to write about this. I mean, it’s not quite the topic to brag about, but it has shaped a big part of who I am today. Life can take a turn any day, at any point in time, but the truth of the matter is that sometimes people just need help. Giving back to the community is something I am whole-heartedly passionate about, and these are some of the events that led me down the path of working as a dietitian at Housing Works, and how you can help too.

You may know it as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), federal assistance, or quite simply food stamps—but what you don’t know is that growing up, my family relied on these programs to put food on the table.

Both of my parents were immigrants from China, whom like so many others, had escaped to the US to give my siblings and me a chance for a better life. My mother, who came here with nothing, had saved up every penny she had to give my siblings and I the dream home–we grew up in a four-story house equipped with even a back yard.

Yet, despite these humble beginnings, life did not fall in place for us like pieces of a puzzle.  In fact, my earliest recollections of my mom are of her being bedridden, tired, and ill. Shortly after we moved in, a series of unfortunate events lead our household from a family of 6 supported by dual incomes to a family of 6 supported by one. And despite my father working 6 days/week, we relied heavily on SNAP benefits to make ends meet.

So let it not be mistaken, both of my parents worked very hard. A common assumption, or stereotype, of receiving public assistance is that those who receive it are “lazy,” but the truth of the matter is that had it not been for these programs, I’m sure there would have been many nights where we would have gone hungry. These programs gave me a chance at a normal childhood; instead of worrying about where my next meal was coming from, I was able to focus on school. So yes, some may argue that poverty and reliance on public assistance is a cycle that’s hard to break free from, but my sisters and I, we are proof that it is possible. And for these programs, I am grateful.

So, how does this relate to Housing Works?
First, you must know that Housing Works is a non-profit organization…they run a chain of thrift stores, bookstores and cafes, whose funds support health care services for one of New York City’s most neglected populations: the tens of thousands of homeless men, women, and children in NYC living with HIV/AIDS.

Many of my clients rely on SNAP benefits or food pantries and that's where I get to use some of my personal experiences to get them motivated for change. My job is to provide one-on-one nutritional counseling or run group classes for these clients. But that’s not the best part. The most rewarding aspect of this job is when I see and hear clients wanting to get better, to start a new life for themselves. When I hear a client spit back a nutrition fact at me, tell me how they’re going to manage their diabetes this week, or wanting to know more tricks on how to stretch their SNAP dollars or prepare healthier meals, I feel like I am making a true difference.

Sure, there are people who the benefits needlessly, but many really do need assistance. Perhaps my childhood story of relying on SNAP benefits may seem far stretched from Housing Work’s mission statement, but I believe that programs like these give people the opportunity to get back on their feet, that people are capable of breaking free from the cycle, and with the right resources and support, they don’t have to be just another statistic.

Here’s How You Can Make a Difference Too (everything counts!)
Donations Have a sweater in your closet that you haven’t worn in the last year or two? Drop it off at one of the Housing Works’ 12 thrift stores around the city. They also accept furniture, books, movies, and used toys. For details, click here.

Volunteering – Get involved! Where else can you work in a bookstore and give back to the community at the same time?

Buy the Bag – AKA “thrifters heaven,” this is not your typical retail shopping experience. When you visit the Buy the Bag shop in Sunset Park Brooklyn, you get to fill a bag with all the clothes you can for just $25, and know that the funds still go towards a bigger cause. 

What Healthy is NOT...
Proof of my abhorring stack of Redbulls during my Freshman year

Proof of my abhorring stack of Redbulls during my Freshman year

If you asked me a few years ago, what being “healthy” means to me, I wouldn’t have the slightest clue how to answer you. Imagine me 5 years back: I’m chugging Red Bull for a 9 AM class, and courtesy of the microwave, devouring mac & cheese for dinner 3 days a week. Yes, this was my freshman year at New York University, and at that time I knew nothing about the importance of nutrition (gasp!) Flash forward to present day, and I’m working at a private practice in NYC, providing in-home cooking classes, and working as the nutrition guru at Housing Works (more on that in my next post!) Without a doubt, you can bet my definition of what it means to be “healthy” has evolved tremendously over the past few years.

When I first began my studies at NYU, I considered myself fairly healthy. I was a pescatarian, went to the gym regularly, and also never restricted myself from any baked sweets or savory snacks. It wasn’t until my junior year, when I started taking core nutrition courses that I became hyperaware about the foods I ate and the amount of calories I consumed. After a class project where I was required to mimic a patient’s diet by logging the food I ate, the amount, and even using measuring cups to cook, I soon became paranoid about calorie counting. In fact, the time I spent on the treadmill was no longer fueled by enjoyment, but by the amount of calories I knew I had to burn in order to “zero out” part of that day’s calorie intake. Then within that same year, I met Laura Cipullo, a New York City dietitian who was surprisingly not at all a proponent of fad diets. In fact, she was the exact opposite. When I began working with her, I’ll admit it, at first I was skeptical. Does she really do pilates for enjoyment? Spinning? And running?? Does she really preach “all foods in moderation” and follow it too?!

Yet after the first few months of getting to know her on a personal level and working side by side–I discovered that it was all true. The next time I visited the treadmills, I covered up the numbers on the screen and instead focused on how I felt on the inside. And when it came to food, I slowly focused more on the nutritional quality of foods I was eating, rather than calories. From modeling her behavior and learning about the consequences of restricting foods, without even knowing it she motivated me to change the way I viewed food and to develop healthy habits. Although the ability to eat freely and without any guilt takes work, it’s certainly not impossible to get there! Remember that what you choose to eat (or not eat) for one meal or day(s) doesn’t negate all of the healthier choices you’ve made in the past.


As I’ve broadened my knowledge of food and nutrition, I’ve realized that working in the field by no means makes me perfect in the way I eat; but the way I eat is perfect for me. I’m at my happiest and healthiest when I’m able to cook my own meals, which I prefer to do instead of dining out. I love knowing exactly what ingredients are going into my food, which helps me eat healthier and allows me to experiment with new ingredients. When I’m not pretending like I’m a Chopped contestant at home, I’m always running from job to job around the city, and having my packed snacks on hand keeps me energized and happy.

As I said, my definition of healthy has evolved and I’ll begin by telling you what “healthy” is not. Healthy is not about eating only low-fat foods, low-calories, or feeling guilty after enjoying something tasty. Being healthy does not mean you must follow a specific diet (i.e. pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, etc.) Healthy means not feeling hungry, guilty, or deprived. Being healthy does not mean it has to be expensive or always organic. Being “healthy” means eating foods that make us feel good, fitting in physical activities for enjoyment, setting aside time for yourself to de-stress or simply sleep! It’s about nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods— so that we’re not just satisfied, but also energized to live to the fullest today and to another tomorrow—for the people we love, the things we love to do, and most importantly, for ourselves.

 Without further ado, I challenge you to take on these 3 Steps Towards a Nourishing Life

1.    Farm or Factory - If you’re questioning whether or not a food is healthy, ask yourself “Does this come from a farm or factory?” You can almost guarantee that if a food comes from the factory, it’s probably processed in some way, shape, or form. The healthiest foods are the ones closest to its natural, wholesome form. For instance, if the food you’re questioning came directly from the farm and to the table, like fresh fruits and vegetables, then this is the healthier option. Of course there are some exceptions, such as meat --these you should not eat as often. Instead, eat more plants!

2.    Nuts about the 1 Ingredient Rule – I’m obsessed with nut butters… peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, you name it! Unfortunately not all nut butters are created equal, many contain hydrogenated oils and added sugar. Stick to the one ingredient rule and you’re well on your way to more nourishing habits. For example, when reading the ingredient list you should only see “peanuts” for peanut butter and “almonds” for almond butter. Trust me, I grew up on Skippy, Peter Pan and Goober – your taste buds can adjust to this new flavor and you will learn to appreciate the taste of true peanut butter! 

3.    Wonder Bread – No, not that Wonder Bread. When shopping, you should always wonder if it’s actually what it claims to be on the front label. Many brands claim to be “whole grain,” “multigrain,” and “fiber,” but it doesn’t always mean that it’s a healthy choice. For all you know, you could be getting refined white bread with brown food coloring and a few crunchy seeds sprinkled on top. Yes, food companies can be deceiving! What you need to know is how to read the ingredient list! The bread list should have no more than 5-11 ingredients (really, less is more here), the first 3 ingredients should be a grain, and sugar (if any) should be one of the very last ingredients since ingredients are listed in descending order of predominance by weight. FYI brands I like are Ezekiel, Vermont Whole Wheat, Trader Joe's 100% Whole Wheat bread

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